Banish your hunger cravings with tasty nuts

Eric Ho
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Clients often find it difficult to know what to eat at work that’s a good, easy, healthy snack.

When I was at work, or in an all-day meeting, the temptation to tuck into the jelly bean sweets or the biscuits was strong. I succumbed because there was nothing healthy and tasty to eat.

Well, here’s what I did to change that!

Sprouted or activated nuts that are raw are the best in terms of quality. They can also burn a big hole in your wallet!

But raw nuts aren’t tasty enough. This is the next best thing

This recipe only takes two minutes to prepare. And then a couple of hours in the oven. Perfect for getting ready on a lazy Sunday!

Take a handful of these nuts to work, to your meeting, or on your next business trip.

I pack a paper bag of them when I go to work, or an all day meeting. If I’m away for longer, I’ll pack them in an airtight, BPA free pouch/container.

Nuts are really filling, but don’t worry about the calories. Just eat them slowly, and no more than a small handful in one sitting.

They’ll stave off any hunger pangs and provide you with lots of good nutrients and vitamins.


1 kg raw nuts

Top tip: Try an iodised salt like this one to boost your iodine levels, particularly if you’re not consuming much saltwater fish and seafood, kelp, and other sea vegetables – the key whole-food sources of iodine.


Take a large baking tray with and lay a sheet of greaseproof paper to cover it. You can also use a glass dish and do without the greaseproof paper.

Sprinkle your choices of nuts on the tray/dish. Leave some gaps between the nuts for the hot air in the oven to circulate – don’t pack the nuts in too tightly!

Cook the nuts in the oven at 65-75 degrees Celsius for a couple of hours, or until your nuts are dry and crunchy.

Stir the nuts around once in a while.

Take out, and sprinkle generously with some fine salt.

Once the nuts are completely cool, store them.


I’ve suggested preparing 1 kg of nuts, but mix and match as much or as little as you desire. Choose from macadamia, Brazil, cashew, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds.

You’ll soon find what your favourite flavours are. While it’s tempting to just roast your favourites, mixing and matching will give you the greatest variety of vitamins and minerals.

Once prepared, the nuts will stay fresh in an airtight glass container for a few weeks.

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  • Thanks for this easy helpful recipe!

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